Application of Resonance Enhanced Drilling to coring

Application of Resonance Enhanced Drilling to coring
This paper aims to evaluate the applicability of Resonance Enhanced Drilling (RED) technology to coring operations. A series of coring experiments on sandstone and granite using diamond impregnated and polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits are carried out on a specially designed vertical laboratory drilling rig. We present a comparison between the efficiency and quality of cores obtained using RED technology against conventional coring. Based on this analysis, improvements in penetration rates of up to 180% compared to conventional coring for the same drilling conditions were achieved. All cores retrieved are in good condition showing consistent diameters, generally smooth core surfaces and no evidence of fracturing or other visible core damage. Our preliminary assessment suggests that the RED coring technology provides significant improvements in Rate Of Penetration (ROP), while maintaining consistent core quality compared to conventional coring.
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